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These instructions describe how to integrate BullseyeCoverage with the make build automation tool (such as GNU Make). Alternative integration methods are listed below in order of preference.

Method 1: Modify PATH Environment Variable

Modify your makefile to invoke the compiler using its basename, rather than its absolute path. For example:

CXX = /opt/compiler/bin/g++     ← Wrong
CXX = g++                       ← Correct

Add BullseyeCoverage/bin to the front of the PATH environment followed by the actual compiler directory. Then invoke make as usual.

For example, on Unix-like systems:

$ PATH=/opt/BullseyeCoverage/bin:/opt/compiler/bin:$PATH
$ cov01 -1
$ make ...

For example, on Windows:

C:\> set PATH=%ProgramFiles%\BullseyeCoverage\bin;%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC\bin;%PATH%
C:\> cov01 -1
C:\> make ...

Method 2: Insert covc Before Compiler

Modify your makefile to add BullseyeCoverage/bin/covc -i in front of your compiler command. For example:

CXX = g++                                       ← Without BullseyeCoverage
CXX = /opt/BullseyeCoverage/bin/covc -i g++     ← With BullseyeCoverage

Invoke make as usual:

$ cov01 -1
$ make ...

Method 3: Invoke Interceptor Directly

Set the BULLSEYE_PATH environment variable to the actual compiler directory. Invoke the BullseyeCoverage interceptor with an absolute path. For example:

CXX = /opt/compiler/bin/g++             ← Without BullseyeCoverage

BULLSEYE_PATH = /opt/compiler/bin       ← With BullseyeCoverage
CXX = /opt/BullseyeCoverage/bin/g++

Invoke make as usual. For example:

$ cov01 -1
$ make ...

Updated: 28 Nov 2022